Troubleshooting Guide

Table of contents

System messages

Click a message number to view an explanation of the message and any action you need to take.

Note For a list of error messages related to Web Express Logon, refer to Web Express Logon client-side messages and Web Express Logon server-side messages in the Web Express Logon Reference.



The Z and I Emulator for Web client is unable to contact the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager for one of the following reasons:

User Action
Check to see if any reasons given above apply, or else contact your system administrator.


The Z and I Emulator for Web client is using a Configuration Servlet URL:\n\"%1\" and is unable to contact the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager for one of the following reasons:

User Action
Check to see if any reasons given above apply, or else contact your system administrator.


The signer certificate of the host's site certificate has not been added to the CustomizedCAs.class file on the Z and I Emulator for Web server.

User Action
Extract the signer's certificate into a binary file and transfer it to the Z and I Emulator for Web server. On the server, start the Certificate Management program, and add the signer's certificate to the CustomizedCAs.class. If you are sure that the certificate is correct, check to see if DNS can resolve the server's Internet address and the host destination address.

Check that the updated CustomizedCA.class file is being presented to the client. You may need, in some cases, to stop and restart the Web server.

If the Z and I Emulator for Web client connects to multiple telnet servers via SSL, make sure that the certificates for all telnet servers are in the CustomizedCAs.class file. If you are using a load balancer program, the Z and I Emulator for Web client may receive the CustomizedCAs.class file from the Web server on one computer, and then connect to the telnet server on one of the other computers based on the load of the computers and load balancer programs.


The certificate on the server may be using a name that does not match its Internet name.

User Action
Try turning off Server Authentication on the Security tab of the session configuration. This option tells the client not to trust a server if the name in the server's certificate does not trust the server's Internet address.

If you receive a COMM663 error message while attempting to establish an SSL session with Z and I Emulator for Web, try the following:

  1. Select Tools > Internet options > Advanced.
  2. Scroll down to the security settings and make sure the box for Check for publishers certificate revocation is not checked.
SSL enabled by itself does not guarantee that the client is communicating with the correct server. For more information about server authentication and SSL, refer to Server Authentication (SSL).


The certificate may have expired.

User Action
Check the certificate to see if it has expired.

ECL0001 Internal Host Access Class Library program error.

The Host Access Class Library has encountered an internal problem.

User Action
If there are other messages preceding this one, try to correct any indicated problems. Also ensure you have the latest fixes applied for this product. If the problem persists, follow the directions in the README file for reporting product problems.

ECL0002 A Host Access Class Library event-error occurred.

The Host Access Class Library encountered a problem during event generation. This is a notification message only. There should be other messages logged that provide more details.

User Action
Look for other messages in the message log to determine the cause of this error.

ECL0003 Error updating field at %1. The field is protected.

You attempted to write to a protected field, which is not allowed.

User Action
If the error was generated during normal use of Z and I Emulator for Web, follow the directions in the README file to report the problem. If the error was generated by another applet, application or product that uses the Emulator Class Library, contact the originator of the applet, application or product to report this problem.

ECL0004 No field found at position %1.

No field was found at the specified location. This was probably the result of an internal error.

User Action
If the error was generated during normal use of Z and I Emulator for Web, follow the directions in the README file to report the problem. If the error was generated by another applet, application or product that uses the Emulator Class Library, contact the originator of the applet, application or product to report this problem.

ECL0006 Browser version is not valid.

Z and I Emulator for Web could not create the requested session because the current browser or execution environment does not support all the needed functions. Z and I Emulator for Web must run in a browser or execution environment that fully supports JVM version 1.1.

User Action
Obtain the latest version of the browser from your system administrator or the company that supplies it.

ECL0007 Server %1 could not be authenticated for this connection.

A secure connection was requested with an authenticated server. However, the server could not be authenticated.

User Action
Check with your network security personnel to see if server authentication is necessary for this connection. If server authentication is not necessary, do not request server authentication when defining the session. If server authentication is necessary, the common name in the subject field of the server's certificate must be the same as the server's network name.

ECL0008 Could not create a secure connection to server %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web attempted a secure connection to the server, but the attempt was not successful.

User Action
Make sure the server you are trying to connect to supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 secure connections.

It is also possible that the server does not have enough capacity to accept another secure connection at this time. If this is the case, try the connection when the server is not as busy.

ECL0009 Server "%1" presented a certificate that was not trusted.

Z and I Emulator for Web attempted a secure connection to the server, but the certificate the server sent to identify itself was not issued by a trusted CA.

User Action
To complete the connection you can extract the appropriate server certificate and add it to the list of trusted CAs. To view the certificate, choose Security from the Communications pull-down menu of the emulator menu bar. You should see information about the certificate that was not trusted.

If Show Issuer Certificate is not grayed out, click that button to display the issuer of the server's certificate, and extract the issuer's certificate to a file. If Show Issuer Certificate is grayed out, click Extract to save the server's certificate to a file. You can then add it to the list of trusted CAs (locally-installed clients) or send it to your Z and I Emulator for Web administrator to add to the CustomizedCAs.class file on the server.

Certificates received over the Internet can be forged. The safest way to verify the authenticity of a certificate is to display the finger print of the certificate you have received, and then contact the administrator of the server you are connecting to and ask for the finger print of the certificate on the server. If the finger prints match, you have an authentic certificate and may safely add it to the list of trusted CAs.

ECL0010 Parameter %1 is not valid. The value is %2.

The value specified for the given parameter is not valid for one of the following reasons:

User Action
If you supplied the value for this parameter, refer to the Emulator Class Library reference to verify that you are using a valid value.

If the error is generated during normal use of Z and I Emulator for Web, follow the directions in the README file to report the problem. If the error is generated by another applet, application or product that uses the Emulator Class Library, contact the originator of the applet, application or product to report this problem.

ECL0011 Parameter %1 is not valid. The value is null.

The value specified for the given parameter is not valid because it is null.

User Action
If you supplied the value for this parameter, refer to the Emulator Class Library reference to verify that you are using a valid value.

If the error is generated during normal use of Z and I Emulator for Web, follow the directions in the README file to report the problem. If the error is generated by another applet, application or product that uses the Emulator Class Library, contact the originator of the applet, application or product to report this problem.

ECL0012 Parameter %1 is not valid. The data contains an incomplete or unrecognized mnemonic keyword.

The value specified for the given parameter is not valid because it contains a mnemonic keyword that is either incomplete or unrecognized.

User Action
If you supplied the value for this parameter, refer to the Emulator Class Library reference to verify that you are using a valid value.

If the error is generated during normal use of Z and I Emulator for Web, follow the directions in the README file to report the problem. If the error is generated by another applet, application or product that uses the Emulator Class Library, contact the originator of the applet, application or product to report this problem.

ECL0030 The server certificate from host %1 is not yet valid.

Before establishing a secure session, the server must present a certificate to the client that is valid only for a specified period of time. In the aborted connection, the certificate that the host presented will be valid at a future date, but is not currently valid.

User Action
First, make sure the client configuration has the correct date, time, and time zone. If any of these values are wrong, make the appropriate corrections.

If the client is correct and you are using a self-signed certificate generated on the server, check the date, time, and time zone of the server. If any of these are wrong, make the appropriate corrections and re-create the self-signed certificate.

ECL0031 The server certificate from host %1 has expired.

Before establishing a secure session, the server must present a certificate to the client that is valid only for a specified period of time. In the aborted connection, the certificate that the host presented was valid at a past date, but is not currently valid.

User Action
First, make sure the client configuration has the correct date, time, and time zone. If any of these values are wrong, make the appropriate corrections.

If the client is correct and you are using a self-signed certificate generated on the server, check the date, time, and time zone of the server. If any of these are wrong, make the appropriate corrections and re-create the self-signed certificate.

If the client is correct and you are using a CA-signed certificate, check the validity of the certificate. If the validity period has expired, you may need to renew the certificate with the CA.

ECL0032 Server %1 requested a client certificate, but the client-certificate information is incomplete.

While attempting to negotiate a secure connection, the server requested a client certificate. Before Z and I Emulator for Web can send a certificate, more information must be supplied by the user.

User Action
This message will cause the user to be prompted for certificate information. The user can choose not to send a certificate, or can supply the location and password of a valid client certificate in PKCS12 format.

ECL0033 Client certificate was not found at %1.

When prompted for a client certificate, the user entered a URL or path and file name that could not be found.

User Action
Ensure that the name of the certificate was entered correctly and is accessible to the browser.

ECL0034 Certificate password was incorrect or certificate found at %1 was corrupted.

When prompted for a client certificate, the user entered a certificate and password, but the certificate could not be decrypted with the password. This indicates that either the password is incorrect, or the certificate file has been corrupted.

User Action
Ensure that the name of the certificate and its password were entered correctly. If they were, compare the certificate file to a backup copy. If the two files are the same, report the error to the person who created the file.

ECL0035 Server %1 requested a client certificate and the certificate found at %2 was presented, but the server refused the connection.

When prompted for a client certificate, the user entered a valid certificate and password, and the certificate was decrypted and sent to the server. However, the server refused the connection.

User Action
If another client certificate is available, enter its location and password when prompted. If all available certificates have been presented and rejected, you can attempt to connect without a certificate. The server may allow the connection at a lower privilege level. If the server still refuses the connection, contact the server's administrator.

ECL0036 Unable to initialize the security system; error code [%1], error message [%2].

The Z and I Emulator for Web libraries that implement client authentication could not be found or intialized.

User Action
Re-install the Z and I Emulator for Web product. If the error still occurs, contact Z and I Emulator for Web service and report the error information.

ECL0037 Server %1 does not support Telnet-negotiated security.

Telnet-negotiated security uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and Telnet-negotiated security. Servers that support these functions respond IAC DO STARTTLS during the Telnet negotiations. Z and I Emulator for Web has recieved IAC DONT STARTTLS from the server or an invalid response to the IAC WILL STARTTLS. The connection with the server is terminated.

User Action
Check that the server supports TLS. If your server does not support this function, then select No for Telnet-negotiated on the Security tab of the session configuration. If your server does support this function, verify the server's port is configured properly to receive the TLS protocol negotiations.

ECL0038 Unable to write to %1.

The user requested that a URL or local file be created or saved, but the request failed.

User Action
Ensure that the URL or file was typed correctly, and that you have write permission for the file. Most browsers do not support writing to a URL.

ECL0040 Unable to read.

The user requested that a URL or local file be read, but the request failed.

User Action
Ensure that the URL or file was typed correctly, and that you have read permission for the file.

ECL0043 Server %1 requested a client certificate, but no client certificate has been provided.

While attempting to negotiate a secure connection, the server requested a client certificate. However, the session has been configured not to send a client certificate to the server. The server refused the connection.

User Action
If you have a client certificate, then the session must be configured to send that certificate when it is requested by the server. To do this, select Yes for Send a Certificate on the Security tab of the session configuration. You can also specify the default location of the PKCS12 file containing the client certificate. If you do not have a certificate, contact the system administrator of the server you are attempting to connect to.

ECL0076 Sequence %1 is not valid or is unsupported.

This message might appear during a VT emulator session. This message is logged by the DataStream component if a VT host application sends a sequence that ZIEWeb does not support (for example, ansi color sequences), or if it sends a VT sequence that is not valid.

User Action
Receiving these sequences may not affect screen output. If the application is acting abnormally, turn on trace level 1 for the DataStream component and rerun the scenario. Submit the trace/log files to the VT Host application administrator.

The administrator can use the trace files to debug an erroneous program. The administrator may determine that the application requires a terminal type different than VT220/VT100/VT52.

ECL0101 Failed to connect to server/host %1 and port %2.

A socket connection failed to the specified host or server and port.

User Action
Verify that the Destination Address and Destination Port as specified in the Connection configuration are correct. Check that the host is operational and can be reached.

If this is an SLP connection and there is no hostname, then no servers responded indicating support of service. Refer to message ECL0102 for more information. If this is an SLP connection and there is a hostname, check that the server is operational for TN3270 or TN5250.

ECL0102 Failed to find any SLP servers.

No servers responded to the SLP request within the specified timeout.

User Action
Check that the Scope on the Advanced configuration panel matches the Scope of an available server in the network. If Enable Security on the Security configuration is Yes, verify that there is an available server within the specified scope that supports either TLS version 1.0 or SSL version 3.0.

If there is an SLP iSeries name specified on the Connection configuration, verify that it is a valid, fully qualified CP name and that there is an available server within the specifed scope that links to that iSeries.

If the network is slow, increment the Maximum Wait Time.

Verify the Browser supports Multicasting.

If on a Token Ring, verify that the server and the client are both using the same IP multicasting address mapping method: either the all rings broadcast address or the assigned functional address (rfc 1469).

ECL0104 Exception, unable to load class %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to load the Java class with name %1.

User Action
Ensure that you are running Z and I Emulator for Web in the proper environment. For example, if running in a web browser, check to ensure that the web browser meets Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite requirements.

ECL0105 Exception, unable to instantiate class %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to create an instance of the Java class with name %1.

User Action
Ensure that you are running Z and I Emulator for Web in the proper environment. For example, if running in a web browser, check to ensure that the web browser meets Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite requirements.

ECL0106 Exception, illegal access for class %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web attempted to access the Java class with name %1 but was prevented from doing so due to security reasons.

User Action
Ensure that you are running Z and I Emulator for Web in the proper environment. For example, if running in a web browser, check to ensure that the web browser meets Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite requirements.

ECL0126 An exception was detected at reference location %1.

An exception condition was detected by the file transfer program. The reference location identifies where in the program the exception was detected.

User Action
This message is usually associated with a program error. Turn on trace level 1 for the ECL_xfer and Transport components and rerun the scenario. Submit the trace/log files to HCL support.

ECL0127 File transfer complete.

A file transfer was successfully completed.

User Action
No action is required.

ECL0128 Error writing file to the host: file transfer canceled.

The file could not be written to the host.

User Action
Check to make sure you have enough space and that the disk is still online. Correct any problems and try to transfer the file again.

ECL0129 Error reading file from the host: file transfer canceled.

The file could not be read from the host.

User Action
Check to make sure you have enough space and that the disk is still online. Correct any problems and try to transfer the file again.

ECL0130 Required host storage is unavailable: file transfer canceled.

Adequate host resources are not available to store the file.

User Action
Create more room on the host by deleting files or adding space, then try to transfer the file again.

ECL0131 Incorrect request code: file transfer canceled.

An incorrect request was issued to the host file transfer program.

User Action
Run a trace and report the results to HCL.

ECL0132 Incorrect or missing TSO data set: file transfer canceled.

An incorrect data set was specified for the transfer.

User Action
Make sure you specified the correct file name, then try to transfer the file again.

ECL0133 Missing or incorrect CMS file identifier: file transfer canceled.

An incorrect CMS file identifier was specified.

User Action
Make sure the CMS file identifier is correct, then try to transfer the file again.

ECL0134 Incorrect option specified: file transfer canceled.

An incorrect host file transfer option was specified.

User Action
Make sure the options specified for this transfer are correct, then try to transfer the file again. If the file transfer still fails, contact the administrator of the host transfer program for assistance.

ECL0135 Error reading from or writing to host disk: file transfer canceled.

The host computer detected an error reading or writing to disk.

User Action
Check to make sure you have enough space and that the disk is still online. Correct any problems and try to transfer the file again.

ECL0136 Only one of TRACKS, CYLINDERS, AVBLOCK allowed: file transfer canceled.

Only one media division can be specified.

User Action
TRACKS, CYLINDERS, or AVBLOCKS are not specified by HftpTransfer programmatically. If these are specified manually, please be sure that such specification is in accordance with the host file transfer program.

ECL0137 CMS file not found: file transfer canceled.

The requested file was not found.

User Action
Correct the specification of the file you want to transfer, then try to transfer the file again. If the file transfer still fails, contact the administrator of the host transfer program for assistance.

ECL0138 CMS disk is read-only: file transfer canceled.

Write access is required but is not available to perform the requested operation.

User Action
Obtain the appropriate write access for the requested operation, then try to transfer the file again. If the file transfer still fails, contact the administrator of the host transfer program for assistance.

ECL0139 CMS disk is not accessed: file transfer canceled.

The requested CMS mini-disk is not accessed.

User Action
Obtain appropriate access for the requested operation, then try to transfer the file again. If the file transfer still fails, contact the administrator of the host transfer program for assistance.

ECL0140 CMS disk is full: file transfer canceled.

The requested CMS mini-disk is full.

User Action
Allocate additional storage or delete files on the target disk to provide storage to support the requested transfer, then try to transfer the file again. If the file transfer still fails, contact the administrator of the host transfer program for assistance.

ECL0141 Host program error: file transfer canceled.

An unspecified error was detected by the host file transfer program.

User Action
Try to transfer the file again. If file transfer still fails, run a trace and report the results to HCL.

ECL0142 Host operation failed to complete within timeout period.

The host did not respond within the specified timeout period. The timeout period is applied to the smallest increment of processing that indicates the host is attempting to service the request. For example, to download a large file the host transfers many separate buffers of data. The timeout period is applied separately to each buffer transferred.

It is possible that:

User Action
In some cases, you can extend the timeout period to circumvent this problem. Otherwise, it will be necessary to determine why the host response is delayed and apply appropriate corrective action. Change the timeout parameter to a higher value.

ECL0143 Session with host does not exist. Please close file transfer windows.

The host session has been closed or lost. File transfer is not possible.

User Action
Stop file transfer by closing the file transfer windows. To use the file transfer function, start a new session.

ECL0144 Unable to open the local file for reading.

The file transfer facility attempted to read a file on the local file system but could not open the file. The filename or filepath may not have been entered correctly. In the case of a removable disk, the disk may not be installed.

User Action
Verify that the file is correctly specified and that media is correctly mounted.

ECL0145 Unable to open the local file for writing.

The file transfer facility attempted to open a file for writing, but could not open the file. The specified file may already exist and be write-protected, removable media may not be installed or may be write-protected, or the media may be full.

User Action
Confirm that the correct filepath is specified. Confirm that the media is installed and is not write-protected.

ECL0146 Error while reading from the local filesystem.

This error could be caused by a hardware or media failure. In the case of removable media, the media may have been inadvertently dismounted during a transfer operation; for example, someone opened the disk drive.

User Action
Confirm that the media is properly installed.

ECL0147 Error while writing to the local filesystem.

The disk has become filled to capacity or a hardware failure has occurred. In the case of removable media, the disk may have been inadvertently removed.

User Action
Verify that the media is properly mounted. Verify that adequate disk capacity is available. It may be necessary to remove some files to make room for the new files you are downloading.

ECL0148 File transfer canceled by an external caller.

The file transfer was canceled by a call to ECLXfer.Cancel().

User Action
No action is required.

ECL0149 Cannot transfer a zero-length file: file transfer canceled.

The workstation file is of size zero bytes and can't be transferred to the host.

User Action
Specify a workstation file that is not empty.

ECL0160 Error creating PDT.

The compiler cannot create an empty PDT object.

User Action
Contact HCL service.

ECL0168 Could not open the PDT Compiler log.

The compiler cannot open the log file pdtc.log.

User Action
Make sure there is enough disk space to open the file.

ECL0169 The description must begin with a non-blank character.

The printer description begins with a blank character.

User Action
Type a printer description that begins with a character other than blank.

ECL0170 A valid description must be entered.

You tried to compile without typing a printer description.

User Action
Enter a valid printer description.

ECL0171 You must select a valid PDF file.

You attempted to compile before selecting a PDF from the choice box.

User Action
Select the PDF you want to compile from the choice box.

ECL0172 The description may not begin with KEY.

You have typed a printer name description that begins with KEY. KEY is reserved by HCL.

User Action
Enter a printer name description that does not begin with KEY.

ECL0173 The description may not be blank.

The printer description field is blank.

User Action
Enter a printer description.

ECL0174 Compiler failed--internal error.

The PDT compiler failed.

User Action
Contact HCL service.

ECL0175 Error reading macro definition.

An error was encountered while reading the PDF from disk to obtain macro definitions.

User Action
Make sure the disk is online and available.
Open the PDF with an editor and make sure that it is valid. Correct any errors.

ECL0176 Warning: Unrecognized parameter defined:

A parameter defined in the PDF is not recognized by the PDT Compiler. It is possible you have modified the PDF to support a custom function that requires this parameter.

User Action
Usually, no action is required.

ECL0177 Command name unknown:

The PDF contains a command definition that is not recognized by the compiler.

User Action
Remove the command definition from the PDF.

ECL0179 Error converting decimal string to byte.

An attempt was made to code a decimal string larger than 255, which is the maximum value that can be stored in 1 byte.

User Action
Correct the failing definition in the PDF.

ECL0180 EQU is not the second token in the macro.

A macro definition does not specify EQU as the second token.

User Action
Add EQU to the PDF definition.

ECL0181 Bad token detected:

A command definition contains a token for which there is no valid macro definition.

User Action
Correct the failing definition in the PDF.

ECL0182 Could not open PDF file:

The compiler can not open the selected PDF.

User Action
Make sure the selected PDF exists.

ECL0183 Compilation failed.

The compiler detected errors.

User Action
Review the errors detected by the compiler.
Correct the failing definitions in the PDF and try to compile again.

ECL0185 Less than 3 tokens in macro definition.

A macro definition has less than 3 tokens.

User Action
Correct the failing definition in the PDF.

ECL0186 Macro name length not 3.

The first token of a macro definition is not 3 characters in length.

User Action
Correct the failing definition in the PDF.

ECL0251 Unable to contact the host.

Unable to get a connection to the host.

User Action
Make sure that the host is running and that you are able to ping it.

ECL0252 Invalid host-file name. Use the correct format: LibraryName/FileName OR LibraryName/FileName(MemberName) OR /Dir1/.../DirX/FileName

An incorrect host-file name was specified.

User Action
Specify the host file in any of the following formats:

The file name QGPL/QCLSRC is equivalent to /QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/QCLSRC.FILE in IFS format. The file name QGPL/QCLSRC(README) is equivalent to /QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/QCLSRC.FILE/README.MBR in IFS format.

ECL0253 Host file already exists: file transfer canceled.

The host file already exists and the transfer option NEW was specified to avoid over-writing the existing file.

User Action
Specify a file that does not exist.

ECL0254 Host file does not exist: file transfer canceled.

The host file does not exist.

User Action
Specify an existing host file.

ECL0255 PC file already exists: file transfer canceled.

The workstation file already exists and the transfer option NEW was specified to avoid over-writing the existing file.

User Action
Specify a file that does not exist.

ECL0256 PC file does not exist: file transfer canceled.

The workstation file does not exist.

User Action
Specify an existing workstation file.

ECL0257 The selected host-file type is not supported.

The selected host file can't be transferred to the host. Only iSeries objects of the type *FILE are supported under the QSYS library file system. Also, among the iSeries *FILE objects, only the file types PF-DTA (Physical Data File), PF-SRC (Source Physical file) and SAVF are supported.

User Action
Specify a valid host file.

ECL0258 Only binary mode allowed for transferring iSeries SAVF files.

For transferring SAVF files to the iSeries, the transfer mode must be binary.

User Action
The transfer options ASCII, JISCII or UNICODE should not be specified for transferring SAVF files to the iSeries.

ECL0259 Unable to open the host file for writing.

The host file cannot be be created or changed.

User Action
Make sure that the user has authority to create or change the file.

ECL0260 Unable to open the host file for reading.

The host file cannot be read.

User Action
Make sure that the user has authority to read the file.

ECL0261 Transfer error: %1

Unable to complete the requested transfer operation.

User Action
If you are performing 5250 File Transfer and if an error message ID is included in the message (such as CPF9999), you can get more help by using the CL command DSPMSGD on aniSeries system. Also, if you get any of the following error messages when performing 5250 File Transfer, please refer to the Planning, Installing, and Configuring Z and I Emulator for Web guide and make sure that you followed the setup instructions correctly. You could still get any of the following messages if the host name is NOT the actual final destination address of the 5250 host. The default file transfer settings of the Z and I Emulator for Web session can be changed to correctly indicate the actual final destination address of the 5250 host. For HACL applications, the transfer option DSTADDR can be used to set the final destination address for file transfer.

If you receive a ECL0261: Transfer error;security.fd.write when using the Z and I Emulator for Web Proxy Server service to perform AS/400 File Transfer, add ha5250xn.jar to your start up HTML file as follows:

<APPLET archive="hod.jar, ha5250xn.jar, sccbase.jar" CODE="" WIDTH=584 HEIGHT=450>
<PARAM NAME=cabinets,>
<PARAM NAME=BookmarkPage VALUE=AutoHOD.html>

If you get the following message, please make sure that the environment variable CLASSPATH is set to nothing, before invoking 5250 File Transfer. 

ECL0262 Security error: %1

Unable to log on to the host.

User Action
Specify a valid user ID and password to log on to the host.

ECL0263 Transfer incomplete. Only %1 bytes transferred.

Only part of the file has been transferred.

User Action
Try to transfer the file again. If it still fails, run a trace and report the results to HCL.

ECL0264 Unable to convert data in UNICODE mode: the current version of the Java VM is not capable of handling %1 encoding.

The current version of the Java Virtual Machine is not capable of handling the specified encoding.

User Action
Upgrade the Java VM to the latest version and check whether it can support the specified encoding.

HOD0001 Exception, unable to load class %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to load the Java class with name %1.

User Action
Ensure that you are running Z and I Emulator for Web in the proper environment. For example, if running in a web browser, check to ensure that the web browser meets Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite requirements.

HOD0002 Exception, unable to instantiate class %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to create an instance of the Java class with name %1.

User Action
Ensure that you are running Z and I Emulator for Web in the proper environment. For example, if running in a web browser, check to ensure that the web browser meets Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite requirements.

HOD0003 Exception, illegal access for class %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web attempted to access the Java class with name %1 but was prevented from doing so due to security reasons.

User Action
Ensure that you are running Z and I Emulator for Web in the proper environment. For example, if running in a web browser, check to ensure that the web browser meets Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite requirements.

HOD0004 Tracing for %1 set to level %2.

Tracing for the %1 component of Z and I Emulator for Web has been set to level %2.

User Action
No action is required. This is an informational message.

HOD0005 Internal error occurred: %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web experienced an unexpected error of type %1.

User Action
If there are other messages preceding this one, try to correct any indicated problems. Also ensure you have the latest fixes applied for this product. If the problem persists, following the directions in the README file for reporting product problems.

HOD0006 Unable to initialize tracing for %1.

Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to start tracing for the %1 component.

User Action
Look in the message log for other error messages that indicate why tracing could not start.

HOD0007 Cannot find the selected code page resource. The default code page will be used.

Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to find the code page conversion tables for the selected code page. Code page 037 will be used.

User Action
Make sure you installed the correct Z and I Emulator for Web for the code page you want to use.

HOD0009 The %1 function cannot be performed because of browser security restrictions.

While attempting to perform the function or task that you requested, Z and I Emulator for Web was unable to access a related Java function because of security restrictions imposed by the browser. Either you did not grant the necessary security permissions (if prompted to do so), or your browser level or settings do not allow the security access needed by Z and I Emulator for Web.

User Action
Refer to the Z and I Emulator for Web Administrator's Guide to determine if you are running the correct level of browser or if you have the correct browser security settings.

HODVT-MSG100I Unsupported VT sequence received from host.

The VT command received from the host system is not supported in Z and I Emulator for Web.

User Action
Verify that host system is sending the correct VT command. You may want to consult the VT HOST software product documentation that Z and I Emulator for Web is accessing.

If you believe this is a problem with the Z and I Emulator for Web product, please obtain a set of traces along with a java console showing the problem. Refer to  Advanced Traces: Enable Transport traces  and Reporting Problem to HCL.

HODVT-MSG101W Malformed VT sequence received from host.

The VT command received from the host system cannot be completed because Z and I Emulator for Web could only interpret part of the command.

User Action
Verify that host system is sending the correct VT command. You may want to consult the VT HOST software product documentation that Z and I Emulator for Web is accessing.

If you believe this is a problem with the Z and I Emulator for Web product, please obtain a set of traces along with a java console showing the problem. Refer to  Advanced Traces: Enable Transport traces  and Reporting Problem to HCL.

NSM0001 Starting...

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager is starting.

User Action
No action is required. This is an informational message.

NSM0002 Listening on port %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager is listening on the identified port.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0003 Waiting for requests...

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager is waiting for requests.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0004 Connection request received from %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager has received a connection request from a client with the identified host name.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0005 Service, %1, loaded.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager has successfully loaded the identified service from the NSMprop file.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0006 Service, %1, started.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager has successfully started the identified service.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0007 Service, %1, stopped.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager has stopped the thread for the identified service.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0008 Class, %1, loaded.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager has successfully loaded the identified class.

User Action
No action is required. This is an information message.

NSM0009 <<< Loading default services >>>

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager has loaded the default services. It has NOT loaded those services located in the NSMprop file.

User Action
Check that the NSMprop exists and is in the correct directory. Look in the message log for other error messages that indicate why the services were not loaded from the NSMprop file.

NSM0501 Class, %1, not loaded. Exception caught: %2.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager caught an exception while trying to load the identified class. Since the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager will try to load all the classes in the NSMprop file specifying autostart=yes, this may or may not be an error.

User Action
Check with the system administrator to see if the service associated with the unloaded class is required.

NSM0502 The service, %1, is not known or has not been loaded.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager received a request for an unknown service.

User Action
If the request is from a user application, check for correct syntax. If the request is from another HCL application, look in the message log for other error messages that indicate why the service was not loaded.

(NSM1001) An error occurred creating ServerSocket: %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception while it was creating the server socket used to listen for requests. One possible cause is that another application is already using the port that the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager is trying to create a socket for.

User Action
If the exception indicates that the address is in use, stop any other applications using port 8999; otherwise, report the error to your system administrator.

NSM1002 An error occurred listening for requests.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception while it was listening for requests. One possible cause is that the port upon which Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager was listening closed unexpectedly.

User Action
Restart the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager. If the problem persists, report the error to your system administrator.

NSM1003 An error occurred closing a socket: %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception while it was closing a socket.

User Action
Check the log for other socket problems and report the error to your system administrator.

NSM1004 The service, %1, has a dependency on %2, but it was not found.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager received a request to start the first named service, which depends on the second named service being active; however, the second named service was not found.

User Action
Check the NSMprop file to determine if the second named service is one of the services loaded by the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager. If it is, check the message log for errors indicating why the service was not loaded. Correct the NSMprop file and restart the On-Demand Service Manager.

NSM1005 The service, %1, has a dependency on %2, but it could not be started.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager received a request to start the first named service which depends on the second named service being active; however, the second named service could not start.

User Action
Check the message log for errors indicating why the second named service did not start.

NSM1006 The service, %1, has a dependency on %2, but it has not been started.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager received a request to start the first named service which depends on the second named service being active; however, the second named service did not start and has an autostart value of NO.

User Action
In the NSMprop file, change the autostart value of the second named service to YES.

NSM1007 (NSM1007) The initialize method of service, %1, returned false; service not started.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted that while processing a request to start the indicated service, the service returned a value of false from its initialize method. This indicates that the service should not start.

User Action
Check the message log and see if the service logged any messages indicating why it did not start. Correct these conditions and try to start the service again.

NSM1008 An error occurred starting service, %1. Exception caught: %2.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception caused by the indicated service while the service was starting.

User Action
Correct the problem with the service and try the command again.

NSM1009 An error occurred stopping service, %1. Exception caught: %2.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception caused by the indicated service while the service was stopping.

User Action
Correct the problem with the service and try the command again.

NSM1010 An error occurred opening an input or output stream: %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception while it was opening a client's input or output stream. This might occur if the client closes the connection before the service manager has a chance to process its request.

User Action
Determine if the client is closing the connection too quickly and correct this condition; otherwise, report th4e error to your system administrator.

NSM1011 An error occurred receiving data: %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception while it was receiving data from a client's input stream. This might occur if the client closes the connection before the Service Manager has a chance to receive all the data.

User Action
Determine if the client is closing the connection too quickly and correct this condition; otherwise, report the error to your system administrator.

NSM1012 An error occurred sending data: %1.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager noted an exception while it was sending data to a client. This might occur if the client closes the connection before the Service Manager has a chance to send all the data.

User Action
Determine if the client is closing the connection too quickly and correct this condition; otherwise, report the error to your system administrator.

NSM1015 The file, %1, was not found.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager cannot find the indicated file. If the file is NSMprop, the Service Manager will load its default services. If the file is NCoDServices.RAS.txt, no message log is returned for viewing from the administration panel.

User Action
Verify that the indicated file is in the correct directory and is not corrupted. The NSMprop file should be in the ..\lib directory and the NCoDServices.RAS.txt file should be in the ..\private directory.

NSM1016 An error occurred accessing file, %1. Exception caught: %2.

The Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager encountered an error while processing the indicated file. If the file is NSMprop, the Service Manager will load its default services. If the file is NCoDServices.RAS.txt, no message log is returned for viewing from the administration panel.

User Action
Verify that the indicated file is not corrupted and that no other application is accessing the file.

RDR0001 Could not establish connection to configuration server.

The Redirector could not connect to the configuration server to read configuration data.

User Action
Check to make sure that the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager is started.

RDR0002 No configuration data present.

The Redirector was started but has not been configured.

User Action
The redirector must be configured before you can use it. If you are not using the Redirector, ignore this message.

RDR0008 Native library failed to load, indicating this Redirector does not support TLS.

In order to support TLS sessions, the Redirector must load a native library to implement security functions. This library is only available on Windows NT, Windows 2000, and AIX platforms. The failure to load this library indicates that this server does not support TLS sessions.

User Action
If the Redirector is running on a platform that does not support TLS, then no action is necessary. If the Redirector is running on a platform that supports TLS, re-install the product. If the problem persists, contact an HCL service representative.

DIR0001 File does not exist: %1.

The file specified cannot be found.

User Action
Verify that the file exists in the directory specified.

DIR0002 File cannot be opened: %1.

The file cannot be opened.

User Action
Verify that the file is readable.

DIR0003 Invalid number of input parameters.

There are three required parameters to start the DirUtil application: filename, admin, password.

User Action
Verify that filename, admin, and password have been specified.

DIR0004 Invalid file extension: %1. The valid extension is .xml.

The filetype must be .xml. The DirUtil application parses the document as a valid xml document, checks for errors and validates the document.

User Action
Verify that the filetype is .xml when the document contains xml. See the online help for the valid xml file format.

DIR0005 The administrator ID specified is not valid.

The ID specified for the admin parameter is not an authorized administrator.

User Action
Verify that the ID specified is an authorized administrator.

DIR0006 The password for the administrator is not valid.

The password specified for the administrator is not valid.

User Action
Specify a valid administrator password in the password parameter.

DIR0007 Port %1 is not valid.

The port specified is not valid. Valid port numbers are 1 though 65535.

User Action
Specify a valid port in the port parameter.

DIR0008 File %1 is not valid.

The session file specified cannot be found or is not valid.

User Action
Verify that the session file can be found in the specified directory, and that it is a valid session configuration file.

DIR0009 %1 is not a valid attribute for the %2 element.

The attribute specified is not valid for the element.

User Action
Refer to the online help to determine what attributes may be used with the element.

DIR0010 Attribute not found in %1 element.

The specified element requires an attribute.

User Action
Refer to the online help to determine what attributes may be used, and add appropriate attributesS to the element tag.

DIR0011 %1 element not found in document.

A required element is missing.

User Action
Refer to the online help to determine what sub-elements are required for the specified element. Specify the missing sub-element within the element tag.

The parser is case sensitive so all elements should be in lower case text or they will not be recognized.

DIR0012 A user, group, or session element must be specified within the %1 tag.

A user, group, or session element is a required sub-element for the specified element.

User Action
Specify one of the required sub-elements within the element tag.

The parser is case sensitive so all elements should be in lower case text or they will not be recognized.

DIR0013 A user or group element must be specified within the %1 tag.

A user or group element is a required sub-element for the specified element.

User Action
Specify one of the required sub-elements within the element tag.

The parser is case sensitive so all elements should be in lower case text or they will not be recognized.

DIR0014 The %1 group is not valid or does not exist in the directory.

The specified group cannot be found or is not valid.

User Action
Specify a valid group identifier or a group which exists in the directory.

DIR0015 A %1 element must be specified for the user.

A group must be specified for the user.

User Action
Specify a valid group identifier element for the user. Check the online help for the correct syntax.

The parser is case sensitive so all elements should be in lower case text or they will not be recognized.

DIR0016 The userid is not valid.

A valid identifier must be specified for the user.

User Action
The valid characters for a user identifier are English A-Z, a-z, 0-9, . (period), and - (hyphen). When using LDAP, User IDs can be mixed case. When using Z and I Emulator for Web to store configuration information, User IDs are converted to lowercase characters. IDs must be unique. You cannot have a user ID and a group ID that are the same, even if one is in lower case and the other is in upper case.

DIR0017 The group is not valid.

A valid identifier must be specified for the group.

User Action
The valid characters for a group identifier are English A-Z, a-z, 0-9, . (period), and - (hyphen). The first character must be a letter. When using LDAP, Group IDs can be in mixed case. When using Z and I Emulator for Web to store configuration information, Group IDs are converted to uppercase characters.

DIR0018 The %1 element must exist and contain a value.

A required element does not exist or does not contain a value.

User Action
Check the online help for the required elements, and specify a value for the required element.

The parser is case sensitive so all elements should be in lower case text or they will not be recognized.

DIR0019 Attribute %1 is only valid when using LDAP. User added without authentication.

This is a warning message to let you know that the user has been added without authentication because you have specified native authentication for the user and you are not using LDAP. Native authentication is only available with LDAP.

User Action
If you would like to use native authentication, verify that the Service Manager is configured for LDAP. If you want the user to have authentication and you do not want to use LDAP, update the user to have password authentication.

DIR0020 User added without authentication.

This is a warning message to let you know that the user has been added without authentication. The type attribute has a value that is not recognized.

User Action
Check the online documentation for the valid type values for the authentication element, and update the user to have the desired authentication.

DIR0021 Multiple %1 elements are not valid when using LDAP.

Multiple groups cannot be specified when using LDAP.

User Action
Choose one group to add the user to and remove the other group elements.

DIR0022 An exception occured while processing the file import %1.

A problem was encountered when importing the specified session file.

User Action
Verify that the session file can be found and that it is a valid session file which can be imported.

DIR0023 The user %1 cannot be found in the directory.

The user does not exist in the directory.

User Action
Change the user identifier so that it specifies a valid user ID which exists in the directory.

DIR0024 The group %1 cannot be found in the directory.

The group does not exist in the directory.

User Action
Change the group identifier so that it specifies a valid group ID which exists in the directory.

DIR0025 The session %1 cannot be found.

The session does not exist for the user or group so it cannot be deleted.

User Action
Change the session identifier so that it specifies a valid session that exists for the user or group. If you added sessions with the same description, the session description will have a number and colon before the it (for example, 1:3270 Display). In order for the session to be deleted the session must have the exact description "1:3270 Display" although the session may have been added with a description of "3270 Display".

DIR0026 %1 not found in the directory.

The session cannot be deleted because the user or group does not exist in the directory.

User Action
Change the user or group identifier so that it specifies a valid user or group that contains the session to be deleted.

DIR0027 The %1 element must be specified within the %2 tag.

A required element is missing.

User Action
Add the required element within the specified tag.

The parser is case sensitive so all elements should be in lower case text or they will not be recognized.

DIR0028 The %1 group cannot be deleted.

ZIEWeb is the default group and cannot be deleted when using the ZIEWeb directory services.

User Action
Do not attempt to delete the ZIEWeb group.

DIR0029 The %1 element is only valid when using LDAP.

The specified element is only valid when using LDAP.

User Action
Verify that the Service Manager is configured for LDAP.

DIR0030 The parent group %1 is not valid.

The parent group is not valid.

User Action
Specify a valid parent group.

DIR0031 The parent group %1 does not exist in the directory.

The parent group specified does not exist in the directory.

User Action
Specify a valid parent group which exists in the directory.

DIR0032 The group cannot be deleted because it contains users or subgroups.

When using LDAP, all users and subgroups must be deleted before a group can be deleted.

User Action
Delete all the users and subgroups.

DIR0033 %1 or %2 element must be specified.

A groupid or userid must be specified to add or delete a session.

User Action
Specify the userid or groupid within the session tag.

DIR0034 Both %1 and %2 elements may not be specified within the %3 element.

Although multiple users or multiple groups may be specified when adding a session, both user and group elements may not be specified at the same time.

User Action
Specify either groups or users when adding a session.

DIR0035 Directory Exception: %1

A directory exception was received from the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager.

User Action
Verify that you have specified the correct administrator ID and password. If the error occurred while processing a user, group, or session, verify that the IDs are valid and exist or do not exist, whichever is appropriate for the action type. Refer to the online documenation for the required elements. Also, verify that the Z and I Emulator for Web Service Manager is running.

DIR0036 Parsing Exception: %1

The specified error was received when parsing the XML document.

User Action
Correct the error in the document, and run the DirUtil application again.

DIR0037 Exception: %1

The specified exception was received.

User Action
Correct the error in the document, and run the DirUtil application again.

DIR0038 Parser Warning: %1

A warning was received from the parser.

User Action
Correct the condition which caused the warning, and run the DirUtil application again.

DIR0039 Parser Error: %1

An error was received from the parser.

User Action
Correct the condition which caused the error, and run the DirUtil application again.

DIR0040 Parser Fatal Error: %1

A fatal error was received from the parser.

User Action
Correct the condition which caused the fatal error, and run the DirUtil application again.

DIR0041 Syntax Error

A syntax error occurred when parsing the document.

User Action
Refer to the online documentation for the correct syntax.

DIR0042 %1 is not a valid command.

The command is not valid.

User Action
Refer to the online documentation for valid commands.

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