Information Center

Additional Options

This window contains additional options:

Select Launcher Type
Configure Preloads
Configure Advanced Options

Select Launcher Type

Select the type of Launcher that you want to use to launch your Z and I Emulator for Web client.

ZIEWeb Lite Client Launcher

When you run the client on a client workstation for the first time, the 'zieclient.msi' file gets downloaded to the local system. Users would need to click on 'Run' to install the ZIEWeb Lite Client Launcher. This is a one-time activity, and upon subsequent launches, the client gets launched directly by the ZIEWeb Lite Client Launcher.

  • Updates

    If the client detects an updated version of a component on the server (for example, the System Administrator installs a service release of Z and I Emulator for Web), then it overwrites the older version of the component on the hard drive with the updated version.

  • Components not in the preload list

    If the system administrator excludes a component from the preload list (initial download list) to shorten the initial download time, when the client tries to use a function, the component gets downloaded and stored by the client.

    If your clients work in an environment in which they access multiple Z and I Emulator for Web configuration servers that are at different levels, refer to client support when accessing multiple Z and I Emulator for Web servers in the Planning, Installing, and Configuring Z and I Emulator for Web guide.

Java ™ Web Start Launcher

Java ™ Web Start Launcher allows client workstations to start Z and I Emulator for Web sessions without a browser.

When you select Java ™ Web Start Launcher, the Code base field will be prefilled with the Z and I Emulator for Web server location that you configured during installation. This URL must contain the full absolute path to the Z and I Emulator for Web install base. (Note : A relative URL cannot be used as the code base.)

If you are using the Z and I Emulator for Web Java ™ Web Start Launcher option in the client and load balancing between multiple https servers that download Z and I Emulator for Web, then the code base is the URL of the load balancing computer.

When you run the client on a client workstation for the first time, it downloads the components of the Z and I Emulator for Web client from the Z and I Emulator for Web server and stores them on the hard drive of the client workstation. On subsequent usage of the client, it uses the components stored on the hard drive instead of downloading components from the server, with the following exceptions:

  • Updates

    If the client detects an updated version of a component on the server (for example, the System Administrator installs a service release of Z and I Emulator for Web), it overwrites the older version of the component on the hard drive with the updated version.

  • Components not in the preload list

    If the System Administrator excludes a component from the preload list (initial download list) to shorten the initial download time, when the client tries to use a function, the component gets downloaded and stored by the client.

Configure preloads

Click Preload Options to control the initial download size by specifying the Z and I Emulator for Web components to be included in the initial download. This allows you to select only frequently used components. All other components are downloaded as needed. If the user accesses a function for which the components have not been downloaded, the component will be downloaded at that time.

Configure advanced options
Click Advanced Options to configure additional HTML parameters, a code base, HTML templates, problem determination settings, user updates, and session appearance (including applet size). You can also use this panel to configure other options that are not normally required to configure Z and I Emulator for Web, such as server connection options, language, and the number of sessions allowed.

Related topics

  • Client Settings
  • Browser Independent ZIEWeb Clients