Definitions of other terms

Here are the definitions of a few other terms that you will encounter in this book.
Table 1. Definitions of terms
action An action is an instruction that specifies some activity that the macro runtime is to perform when it plays back the macro (such as sending a sequence of keys to the session window, displaying a prompt in a popup window, capturing a block of text from the screen, and other actions). You can edit or create actions in the Macro Editor. You can view and modify individual action elements in the Code Editor. See Macro actions.
application screen An application screen is a meaningful arrangement of characters displayed on the Z and I Emulator for Web session window by a host application. See Application screen.
descriptor A descriptor is an instruction that describes one characteristic of an application screen. You can edit or create descriptors in the Macro Editor. You can view and modify individual descriptor elements in the Code Editor. See Introduction to the Description tab.
macro screen A macro screen is a set of instructions that tells the macro runtime how to manage a particular visit to a particular application screen. See Macro screen.
macro script A macro script is an XML script in which a macro is stored. You can edit a macro script directly using the Code Editor or indirectly using the Macro Editor. When you play a macro, the macro runtime executes the instructions in the script. See Macro script.
valid next screen A valid next screen is a macro screen that, during macro playback, is a valid candidate to be the next macro screen to be processed. See Closer look at stage 1.