Host File Transfer

Host File Transfer is one of the Ribbon bar components.

Introduction and host requirements:

Host File Transfer allows you to transfer files between your workstation and a zSeries or iSeries host.

The zSeries host must be running MVS/TSO, VM/CMS or MVS/CICS. File transfer uses the IND$FILE (SBCS).

The iSeries host must be running the Integrated File System (IFS) on OS/400 V3R7 or later. No additional software is required.

For 3270 host, the user should log in to the session and host should be in ready state for transferring files and for 5250 host, the user should have established a successful session.

The File Transfer icon to transfer the files will be available under the ribbon bar, which is enabled when the ‘File transfer type’ is chosen as ‘ Host File transfer’ by Admin under the Properties panel (ZIEWeb). If ‘File transfer type’ is chosen as ‘FTP’ by the Admin, then the file transfer icon is disabled at the ZIEWeb-Client user page.

Send File to Host:

The user can send a single file either Text or Binary (.doc,.docx,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif) files to the zSeries/iSeries host.

1. Local File Name:

The user can browse the local file from the workstation and input it.

2. Host File name:

For example,

3. Transfer Mode:

By default, the Transfer mode will be ‘Text’ which can be modified. The transfer mode must be chosen “Text” for .txt files and “ Binary” mode for files other than text files.

4. Transfer option:

The default transfer option for “Text” mode is “( ASCII SRC CRLF LRECL(80)” and “Binary” mode is “( DTA LRECL(80)” as an input box which can be modified.

For VM/CMS, remember to type an open parenthesis ' (' before the first option.


Use this option for only text files and for files that you want to be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. This is valid for SBCS languages.


Carriage Return and Line Feed. CRLF (x'0D0A') is removed from the end of each line. EOF (x'1A') is removed from the end of a file.


Use either one of the following:

The record length of a file sent from the local workstation to the host system might not exceed the logical record length specified here.




Record Format. This option is not valid when APPEND is specified. Otherwise, user can choose one of the following options:


This option specifies the i5/OS or OS/400 file type to be used for the transfer. If the host file does not exist, then a new file is created with the file type " Source physical file". This option is applicable only for the files in the QSYS library file system.


This option specifies the OS/400 file type to be used for the transfer. If the host file does not exist, then a new file is created with the file type "Physical data file". This option is applicable only for the files in the QSYS library file system.


This option specifies the logical record length when creating a file on the i5/OS or OS/400 operating system. It can have the following values:


This option specifies the i5/OS or OS/400 file (binary files) type to be used for the file sent. If the host file does not exist, a new file is created with the file type "save file". If this option is specified, then the transfer mode must be binary. Also, this option is applicable only for files under the QSYS library file system.


Receive File from Host:

The user can receive a single file either Text or Binary (.doc,.docx,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif) files from the zSeries/iSeries host.

1. Host File name:

For 3270 host, the user can input the file name that resides in the host or the new file name.

The host file name can be modified with a length of “8 only characters”. The First character must be alphabetic (A to Z) or #, @, $, the remaining characters must be alphabetic, #, $ and -.

For 5250 host, the user can either input the file name or can browse the IFS file from the

Directory panel provided with the list of directories and respective Files. The host file name should be named in the IFS naming convention QSYS naming is not supported for now. For example, if the local file name is “demo.txt” and the defined host file resides inside ‘QGPL.LIB’ then, the host filename path would be “/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/TEXT.File/Demo.MBR” for the member file. If the file should be as a text file, then “/demo.txt” in a directory.

Logon to Host (5250):

For 5250 host, the logon panel appears when the “browse file” is clicked on the host file name or when send/ receive button is clicked if the file path is manually entered.

The panel has a Username field with the value set by Admin under ZIEWeb properties panel ->Host file transfer defaults- “File-Transfer User ID”, if the property is undefined, then on the client side it is updated as “QUSER”. This can be modified at the client end which will be saved and existed till the session is closed.

The panel has a password field which can be edited, by default no values are mentioned.

Once the fields are filled, to initiate logon, click “OK”.

When the logon is unsuccessful, few error messages will be provided like ‘User ID is disabled’,’ User ID is not known’,’ Password is *NONE’ and ‘Incorrect Logon credentials’.

By default,’ QGPL.LIB’ directory appears with IFS files listed when logon is successful. To traverse to other directories “Back arrow button” is present. When the desired directory is chosen the respective files that belong to the directory are listed on the right side of the panel.

To open the chosen file, click the ‘Open’ button.

2. Transfer Mode:

By default, the Transfer mode will be ‘Text’ which can be modified. The transfer mode must be chosen “Text” for .txt files and “Binary” mode for files other than text files.

3. Transfer Option:

The default transfer option for “Text” mode is” (ASCII CRLF” and “Binary” mode is “ (” as an input box which can be modified.


Use this option for only text files and for files that you want to be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. This is valid for SBCS languages


Carriage Return and Line Feed. CRLF (x'0D0A') is removed from the end of each line. EOF (x'1A') is removed from the end of a file.