Host File Printing

The purpose of this feature is to enable ZIEWeb-Client Users to print host files.

The User may activate the printer session and modify the options associated with the file in the Properties panel under the associated Printer.

Common parameters:

Enable Printer Session:

Separate Files:

File Extension:

Inactivity Time (secs):

5250 session parameters:

Workstation ID (Printer):

ASCII Code-Page 899:

3270 session parameters:

LU Name (Printer):

Print-Buffer Size:

Maximum Lines per Page:

Maximum Characters per Line:

Ignore FF when at First Position:

FF Takes Space if Before Data:

Form-feed Position:

PDF-only options:

The below options are applicable only if the file extension is pdf.

Paper Size:

Paper Orientation:

Font Name:

Note: PDF files generated with LucidaConsole font or CourierNewPSMT font may not be displayed correctly on non-Windows or older Windows platforms. This display problem does not occur on newer Windows platforms that support OpenType fonts by default (Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP).