Information Center

Start Options

Session ID
Start Automatically
Start in Separate Window
Auto-Start Options
     Parameters (Optional)
Auto-start HLLAPI Enabler

Session ID
ID assigned to this session. Value options include Automatic (the default) or any letter of the English alphabet. The ID is displayed on the session window or tab.

If the value is Automatic, Z and I Emulator for Web automatically assigns a letter to the session in alphabetical order, and, if Start Automatically is set to Yes, starts sessions in the order they are created.

If you specify a letter value for the session, Z and I Emulator for Web assigns that letter to the session. However, if that letter is already being used by another session and you attempt to open a duplicate session, either from the Z and I Emulator for Web desktop or by selecting 'Run the Same' from the started session, you will get an error message stating that the session ID is already in use.

Start Automatically
Session is started and connected (if Auto-Connect is Yes) when the client is loaded.

Start in Separate Window
If you select Yes, the session is started in a separate browser window. If you select No, the session is started in the Client window with the session name and ID displayed on a tab. Each session started in the Client window is tabbed for easy access.

To close a session that is started in the Client window, click the Close button (X) on the session tab. To disable this function, add the HTML parameter, showTabCloseButton with the value of false. The default is true. Also, to hide the Close button on the background session tabs, add the HTML parameter, hideTabCloseOnBackgroundTabs with the value of true. The default is false. See HTML parameters.

Auto-Start Options
The Auto-Start Options allow you to specify the name of either a Java applet or a Z and I Emulator for Web macro that you want the Z and I Emulator for Web client to launch automatically when the session is started.

The Auto-Start Options are valid only for the following session types:

Z and I Emulator for Web provides a Run Applet that can set a user-defined screen size for a 3270 session. The class name for this applet is and the parameter needs to be size=nnxyy where nn is the number of rows and yy is the number of columns. For example, size=43x80 results in a screen with 43 rows and 80 columns.

Here is an overview of the configuration process:

  1. Expand the Applet/Macro listbox and click either Applet to auto-start an applet or Macro to auto-start a macro.
  2. In the Name field, type the name of the applet or macro.
  3. In the Parameters (Optional) field, type the parameters, if any, that you want to pass to the applet or macro.

For more detailed information, see the description below under the name of each field: Applet/Macro, Name, and Parameters (Optional).

Select Applet or Macro. Name

Parameters (Optional)

Auto-start HLLAPI Enabler
Select Yes to enable EHLLAPI (Emulator High Level Language Application Programming Interface) for the session. Enabling EHLLAPI is required if the session will be the target of an EHLLAPI Application. You can only enable EHLLAPI if you have installed the EHLLAPI Bridge.

Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.

Related topics

  • Passing a parameter list to a macro in the Macro Programming Guide