Information Center

File Upload Wizard

The File Upload Wizard allows you to build a File Upload command and send it to a remote database server. You can build a File Upload command to create, replace, append data to, or update a table in a remote database.

This online help file describes two versions of the File Upload Wizard:

The two versions of the File Upload Wizard, Java 1 and Java 2, function very similarly but have minor differences in their user interfaces and in their wording. This online help points out the differences where they exist.

The remote database server must be running on an iSeries or AS/400, and an appropriate Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver must be present on the client workstation. The Z and I Emulator for Web client and the Database On-Demand client already include a JDBC driver from the AS/400 Toolbox for Java, which allows the Z and I Emulator for Web client or Database On-Demand client to access DB2/400 data on a properly configured iSeries or AS/400 (see the Database URL field on the Logon tab).

Database servers running on other host platforms are supported only if the appropriate JDBC driver is installed on the Z and I Emulator for Web or Database On-Demand client workstation (see the Database URL field on the Logon tab).

The File Upload Wizard can read data files in various file formats, including XML (see File below). You can save and reuse File Upload statements (see File below).

You can set default values for some of the fields in the File Upload Wizard:

A sequence of tabs guides you through the process of building and running a File Upload statement. These tabs are:



Key Columns

The Key Columns tab is available only when the type of the File Upload statement is Update.


Click the File tab to specify the source file that you want to use for the File Upload statement.

Related topics

  • Overview of database access