Administrator settings

Admin control parameters:

 The file must be created in the ZIEWeb publish directory by an Administrator with the following parameters :

• clientRefreshInterval=1

• QuickConnectByAdmin=true

• enableStatusBarForAll=true

• isStatusBarEditableByAdmin=true

Sample path to ZIEWeb Publish directory:

C:\Program Files\HCL\ZIEForWeb\ZIEWeb\

(i) ClientRefreshInterval parameter for Set Refresh Interval Globally:

This parameter needs to be defined in the web.propertiesfile.

(ii) QuickConnectByAdmin parameter for Quick-Connect feature:

Users without credentials and configured page, can connect to sessions and use the product as a trial version, by using the Quick-Connect feature in ZIEWeb-Client.

• For Config-based model, Users can navigate to Quick-Connect, by clicking on ‘Continue as Guest’ option in the Login Page.

• For HTML and Combined-based models, the Quick-Connect page will be displayed if a User enters an invalid page name or attempts to launch an unconfigured page.

• Administrators can enable/disable the quick-connect option by setting the QuickConnectByAdmin parameter in the web.propertiesfile to True or False respectively.

• If the QuickConnectByAdmin parameter is set to True, Users will be able to see the quick-connect option to launch a session.

• If the QuickConnectByAdmin parameter is set to False, the quick-connect option will not be shown. Instead, a message will be displayed on the page as You do not have permission to use Quick-connect to launch sessions. Contact the System Administrator to enable this feature.

Following are the parameters to be filled in the Quick-Connect page,

• Session Type, Destination Port

• Protocol (Telnet), Destination Address

Screen Size, Workstation ID for 5250

• TN3270E

• LU Name for 3270

• Host code page to establish plain host connection.

Limitations of the Quick-Connect feature:

• Only a Boolean value of true or false can be set by the Administrators for quick-connect.

• Secure connections are not supported.

(iii) enableStatusBarForAll and isStatusBarEditableByAdmin parameters for Control Status Bar:

The Administrator can control the Status Bar for clients by setting a global value for the Control Status Bar. The Admin can use isStatusBarEditableByAdminandenableStatusBarForAllparameters in the web.propertiesfile to set the global value. Valid values for these parameters are True/False.

For Example: 

isStatusBarEditableByAdmin = true

enableStatusBarForAll = false

a) For Config-based model, the modified values will be saved in the config file.

b) If the parameter is not set by the Admin, by default, the Status Bar will be editable for all Users.

The file can be found in either or both of the following locations:

  1. ZIEWeb directory (when created manually)
  2. private directory (when created through the Admin Console)

Note: If a file exists in both the ZIEWeb directory and the private directory, the file in the ZIEWeb directory takes precedence.