Deploying ZIE for Web Client


Deployment steps:

ZIEWeb-Client configuration

System Requirements:

Web browsers:

Client Operating Systems:

Application servers:

Support for Tomcat and Liberty Server:

The following application servers are supported as runtime environments:

  1. IBM WebSphere Liberty, which is a highly composable, fast to start, dynamic application server at runtime environment.
  2. Tomcat, which is used as application server for web-based application.

These servers were based on Java 2 platform and Enterprise Edition (J2EE) which adopted a multitier distributed model, and also support multiple applications running simultaneously.

Support for One Server:

In addition to other supported servers, an embedded server (part of Z and I Emulator for Web (ZIEWeb)) is also included in ZIEWeb-Client, as part of the deployable application. The advantage of the embedded One Server is that it is not necessary to pre-install a web server in the deployment environment. Embedded servers are scalable and can host applications that support millions of users.

By default, the parameters defined in the code are picked up by the Service Manager when it starts, but Administrators can override the default values by defining parameters of the existing (in the ZIEWeb publish directory).

Below are the parameters which can be defined to override configurations.
publishDirContextPath = hod

Administrator has to update /lib/config/zfp_overrides.xml with the below parameters
WebAppServerPort = 8080

Note: The ZIEWeb-Client WAR file resides under the lib folder of ZIEWeb publish directory (ZIEWeb). The modified values from the file will be picked, after the Service Manager is restarted.

Deploying ZIEWeb-Client in Tomcat and IBM WebSphere Liberty server

1. Deploying ZIEWeb-Client in Tomcat server

Tomcat is normally defined as a reference implementation of the Java Servlet and Java Server Page (JSP) specifications. It basically executes Java servlets and renders web pages which include JSP coding.

To deploy an application using the Apache Tomcat manager web application, follow these steps:

By default, Tomcat server allows only 50MB size of file to deploying, but our ZIEWeb-Client war file exceeds that limit. So, we need to upgrade the file size limit on tomcat server. This can be achieved by doing some modification on web.xml.

PATH: (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat9.0\webapps\manager\WEB-INF\web.xml.)

We can modify the file size to 100MB/200MB under multipart-config element in web.xml

Note: Value should be in bytes.

2. Deploying an application in IBM WebSphere Liberty server

  1. Download and Install 'IBM Websphere Liberty Server' in Local machine.
  2. Create a server by using the command server create servername.
  3. In the server.xml file that was created under server folder, in that xml file http port and host name can be changed as per need.

Applications can be configured in two ways:

Method I

Method II

NOTE: In an application server server.xml configuration, the application element can contain a context-root tag. This context-root tag is applicable in combination with the tag type="war". For all other application types, the context-root element has no effect. It is not possible to override the context-root for either an EAR application, or an EBA application. It is only possible to do an override for a stand-alone war file, or web Application.

Once the configuration is done, the server can be started and run on browser.