XML syntax in the Z and I Emulator for Web macro language

A Z and I Emulator for Web macro is stored in an XML script using the XML elements of the Z and I Emulator for Web macro language. This section describes some of the conventions of XML and gives examples from the Z and I Emulator for Web macro language:
  • XML code is made up of elements. The Z and I Emulator for Web macro language contains about 35 XML elements.
  • Element names in the macro language are not case-sensitive, except in the sense that you must write an element in the same combination of upper and lower case in both the begin tag and the end tag. All of the following are correct (the ellipsis "..." is not part of the XML text but is meant to indicate that the element contains other elements):
    <screen>   ...      </screen>
    <Screen>   ...      </Screen>
    <scrEen>   ...      </scrEen>
    However, customarily the master element is spelled HAScript and the other elements are spelled with all lower case.
  • Each XML element has a begin tag and an end tag, as shown in the examples below from the Z and I Emulator for Web macro language.:
    <HAScript> ... </HAScript>
    <import> ... </import>
    <vars> ... </vars>
    <screen> ... </screen>
  • Optionally you can combine the begin tag and end tag of an XML element into one tag. This option is useful when the XML element includes attributes but not other elements. For example,
    <oia ... />
    <numfields ...  />
  • An element can contain attributes of the form attribute_name="attribute_value". For example:
    <oia status="NOTINHIBITED" optional="false" invertmatch="false"/>
    <numfields number="80" optional="false" invertmatch="false"/>
    You can use a pair of empty double quote characters (that is, two double quote characters with nothing in between) to specify that the attribute is not set to a value.
    <HAScript name="ispf_ex1" description="" timeout="60000" ... author="" ...>
  • An element can include other entire elements between its begin tag and end tag, in much the same way that HTML does. In the example below a <description> element contains two elements: an <oia> element and a <numfields> element.
       <oia status="NOTINHIBITED" optional="false" invertmatch="false">
       <numfields number="80" optional="false" invertmatch="false"/>