Copy and paste a script from this guide into the Code Editor

This section tells you how to copy a macro script from this document to the Code Editor. This text assumes that you are copying an entire macro script, beginning with <HAScript> and ending with </HAScript>. Follow these steps.
  1. Start a 3270 Display session and let it connect.
  2. Record a simple macro to use as a holder for the script:
    1. Click Record Macro
    2. When the Record Macro window appears:
      1. Copy and paste a script from this guide into the Code Editor.
      2. Click New
      3. Type a name in the Name field, such as sample1.
      4. Click OK
    3. The status line on the 3270 Display session window should say, "Recording macro".
    4. Click Stop playing or recording macro.
  3. Edit the macro script that you just recorded.
    1. The name of the file for the macro that you just recorded should appear in the window on the left side of the Macro Manager toolbar, such as sample1.mac.
    2. Click Edit current macro properties to start the Macro Editor.
    3. When the Macro Editor appears then follow these steps:
      1. Click Code Editor to start the Code Editor.
      2. Use the mouse to mark the lines of code that you want to delete.
        1. Which lines to mark for deletion delete depends on the contents of the text that you want to paste into the Code Editor.
        2. However, this example assumes that you want to paste a complete macro script into the Code Editor.
        3. Therefore, in this example you should use the mouse to mark all the lines in the Code Editor for deletion.
      3. Type the Delete key to delete the marked area.
      4. Copy the entire text of a macro script from this document to the system clipboard, using whichever method you are accustomed to.
      5. Make the Code Editor the active window.
      6. Use Ctrl-v to paste the macro script into the Code Editor
      7. Click OK to close the Code Editor.
    4. Click Save and Exit save the macro script and close the Macro Editor
  4. The name of the file for the macro that you just edited should appear in the window on the left side of the Macro Manager toolbar, such as sample1.mac.
  5. Click Play Macro to run the macro.

If you wish to edit this macro, then you can do so either with the Macro Editor or the Code Editor.