More than one active recording

Very occasionally, you may want or need to record more than one macro at the same time. If so, then you must start each macro in a separate active session. (The Macro Manager enforces this rule by making the "Record a macro" icon active and not selectable when you click it, until you click Stop recording.) Each macro is recorded separately and individually, and the recordings do not interfere with one another.

However, suppose that the following situation occurs:
  • You are recording a macro that you started in SessionA.
  • You are recording another macro that you started in SessionB.
  • SessionC is active but is not involved in any recording activity.
  • You want to record material from SessionC into the macro that you started in SessionA.
To switch to SessionC as the source of recorded material, click the Append recording icon in SessionC.

In this situation, the Macro object does not know whether you wish the recorded material from SessionC to be added to the macro that you started recording in SessionA or to the macro that you started recording in SessionB. Therefore, when you click the Append recording icon in SessionC, the Macro object immediately displays a window listing the sessions in which you have launched a recording (SessionA and SessionB) and asking you to select the session to which you want to add the recorded material from SessionC.

Also, while you are using SessionC to record information for SessionA, you cannot use SessionC to record information for SessionB.