Displaying the message caption and message text

You should specify in the Message Title input field the caption that you want to be displayed in the caption bar of the message window.

You should specify in the Message Text input field the text that you want to be displayed inside the message window.

Because both input fields expect a string as the input value, you can specify any entity that evaluates to a string (see Equivalents). If you use an arithmetic expression then the expression itself can contain immediate values, variables, arithmetic expressions, and calls to Java methods (see Arithmetic operators and expressions).

You can also use the data type conversion rules (see Automatic data type conversion) and the string concatenation operator (see String concatenation operator (+)). For example, if you want to display the value of an integer variable named $intResult$, then you can specify in the Message Text input field the following string:
'The result is ' + $intResult$ + '.'
If the value of $intResult$ is 204, then the macro runtime displays in the message box the following text:
The result is 204.